Any personal information which you provide will be held and used by East Devon District Council for the purpose of the Licensing Service to process your hackney carriage vehicle licence application(s) and administer any licence(s) which are granted. Your information may also be shared within East Devon District Council for the purposes of carrying out our lawful functions. Otherwise your personal information will not be disclosed to anybody outside East Devon District Council without your permission, unless there is a lawful reason to do so, for example disclosure is necessary for crime prevention or detection purposes. Your information will be held securely and will not be retained for any longer than is necessary. There are a number of rights available to you in relation to our use of your personal information, depending on the reason for processing. Further detail about our use of your personal information can be found in the relevant Privacy Notice which can be accessed online at
We may lawfully disclose information to other public sector agencies to:
- prevent or detect fraud and any other crime;
- support national fraud initiatives;
- protect public funds;
- progress your request for service.
We may additionally disclosure information to other public agencies for the purpose of protecting public safety and we may also use basic information about you, e.g. name and address, in other areas of service provision at East Devon District Council if this: -
- helps you to access our services more easily;
- promotes the more efficient and cost-effective delivery of services;
- helps us to recover monies that you owe us.
East Devon District Council are required under Section 6 of the Audit Commission Act 1998 to participate in the National Fraud initiative (NFI) data matching exercise. This means that taxi and private hire licence data will be provided to the Audit Commission for NFI and will be used for crosssystem and cross authority comparison purposes for the prevention and detection of fraud.
We will not use your personal information in a way that may cause you unwarranted detriment.
Your licence application will be valid for three months only from the date the Licensing Office receive the application. By proceeding with this application you confirm that you are aware that, if your application is not completed within three months (which must include payment of the application fee), your paperwork may be destroyed and you will need to make a new application and supply a new vehicle compliance test form.